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christmas carols / Tohm Bakelas

my coworkers angrily speak
of an occupant in the bathroom
who whistles christmas carols
every time he takes a piss.

my coworkers believe it's a man
based on the toilet seat always being up
after they enter the bathroom.

my coworkers hate this individual,
they call him an asshole, a real jerk,
a fucking lunatic, a sick bastard,
all for whistling christmas carols
every time he takes a piss.

they pound on the door
but he never emerges
he simply waits for it to pass
a true cool and calculated killer.

they still don't know who he is
or why he does what he does
or what pleasure he derives from
this behavior.

they don't know
that it is

Tohm Bakelas is a social worker in a psychiatric hospital. He was born in New Jersey, resides there, and will die there. His poems have appeared in numerous journals, zines, and online publications. He is the author of several chapbooks and a full length book of poetry. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and he intends to conquer the small press and exclusively publish within. Instagram: @flexyourhead