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Dark Feminine: The Art of Chris Madsen

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I see the world in darkened tones and mysterious colors.

As a published and gallery-displayed artist, I travel across the United States participating in some of our nation’s most exciting art festivals. My vision is to create art that celebrates the dark, emotional side of the feminine.

My love affair with visual imagery took seed while I was working as a graphic designer. I began exploring the attributes that make an image meaningful to the viewer. What went into creating the work that pulled at my heartstrings? I describe my work as emotionally cinematic; shooting mostly strong, impassioned pieces that are a bit dark or macabre but still feminine and beautiful. I present the emotion behind the piece and allow the viewer to imagine a story. My art is more than what I do—it’s how I feel, it’s who I am.

I use a mixture of digital, film and vintage process like cyanotype and platinum printing along with hand tinting in my creations. I am constantly striving to evolve my art to evoke my feelings into an image that matches the vision in my head. Art is ever evolving and beautifully challenging.

You can support Chris Madsen via his Kickstarter, he is currently working on the next edition of The Witches Tarot.