The Art of Christmas: Jingle Hells, Jingle Hells

It's almost Christmas! This is the time of year when we deserve some time off, snacks, and horror movies. I do two of those three things pretty much all the time anyway, ha! To see out this new year, I am looking forward to talking about something a little less vintage and a little more contemporary. It's OK...bear with me.

The hype surrounding these films preceded my viewing of them. I have to mention that I'm not a huge fan of extreme gore but these films really hit the spot.

If you don’t know them now, where have you been? Damien Leone's Terrifier and Terrifier 2 have entered horror hearts and horror culture everywhere (at any convention you'll see a cheeky black and white clown wandering around). My love for these films just had to be expressed since a third film is in the works and it is Christmas themed. This is my seasonal link ghouls!

So, what is it all about? On Halloween night, a sadistic clown embarks on a rampage. His name is Art and he doesn't speak. He is a mime - yep, creepy as hell. Unapologetically violent, the films are highly visual and the special effects are fantastic. If you think he is just another clown, think again! Some have criticized this movie for its lack of depth yet it's the mystery that keeps us guessing and watching, isn't it? Let us stop reading the film and sit back and enjoy the thing!! I want to emphasize here that these films are not just another slasher franchise. Technically, they are, but it's like watching a film that was made by a horror fan.

"To aspiring filmmakers - what it looks like when you truly love film: working 3 years for 6k a year on a film that isn’t guaranteed to make a nickel. Writer, director, editor, makeup fx, sound designer, approximately 4 hours sleep a night if you’re lucky" - Damien Leone

There are two things I love about these films - they begin with a simple premise and a frightening killer. In many ways, it reminds me of old slasher classics where the characters lacked background or depth. I have a very deep love for horror's mystique, just like Michael Myers in John Carpenter's 1978 Halloween - the fact that Michael is a mystery is what makes it so damn good. Imagine if we received a full explanation of the whys and the hows? The film may not have been such a success although the sequels went that way (that discussion is for another day).

Whether you love or hate the new slashers, it has to be said that the Terrifier films have really gained traction in the horror community. Rather than a remake Leone has proved he can gather all his love and inspiration and make it very much his own.


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