Blood Sex Magic: Everyday Magic for the Modern Mystic by Bri Luna
Photograph from HOODWITCH.COM
“A witch is not something that you become. It is who you are and what you have always been”
The world of magic and witchcraft is a wild one. The witch book market is even wilder. Finding books that fit you can be challenging but what if a book was to turn the tables and hold a mirror up and say, “this is your magic”.
Many years ago (when I first starting using Instagram seriously) I came across the modern mystic - Bri Luna. Bri owns the site and Instagram account HOODWITCH. It was a breath of fresh air - it mixed the traditional with the modern. The blood that runs through us holds so many ancient stories yet here we are living in the 21st century! It made perfect sense.
This is why BLOOD SEX AND MAGIC is such an important book. It is a book that inspires us to dig into our rich histories, to reclaim our power, put ourselves into the driving seat and be the magical practitioner we want to be. Instead of digging through old books and obtaining zero connection to their contents, this book inspires us to uncover who we are from our family connections, our geography and to start digging deep into our own soul and psyche – we can uncover a very specific and very individual type of magic.
BLOOD SEX MAGIC not only covers such subjects as ancestors, intuition, sex magic, altars and hexing – it also serves as a beautifully written personal journey. The artwork and photography is stunning, bright and dark in equal measures and each page becomes a magical item or talisman in its own right – I have never seen a magic book quite like it. It is quite clear she has opened herself up for this book and I know as a Scorpio, we like to hide away so I commend Bri for braving the pages of this book to tell her story but also for pulling back the veil for those who feel the pull of magic in their blood. It will inspire them to go out and find themselves, find their own magic.