The Canvas That Is Life: Poetic Living

I believe in living a poetic life, an art full life. Everything we do from the way we raise our children to the way we welcome our friends is part of a large canvas we are creating - Maya Angelou

In a life drenched in technology, the fast paced wheel of time and pressures of domestic life – leading a poetic life sounds impossible to some. To others it sounds pretentious. To all of human kind – it is a must.

Poetic living is not reserved for the poets. Everything can be poetic if you open your eyes to it. There is something to be found in every single part of this world whether it be beautiful or revolting – life holds both. The more we experience life the more we realise that without light there can be no darkness and vice versa. Observe, absorb and then capture it.

Our poetic mind is always archiving. A natural library of the soul builds as life moves forward, sideways and any other way it feels it wants to go. There is no map, no linear way of living because we should all follow our own callings. A life planned is a life lost, a life experienced and felt through the soles of our feet is a start.

We live through birth, re-birth, death and then birth again. We write about it, journal about it, we cut up images and text to make art, we ink it on our flesh, we weave spells over flame and smoke – we are picking up the fragmented treasures and arranging them into a poetic form.

Our form.

Our poetry.


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