ritual / Iolana Paedelt

black candles anointed with blood,
dried red roses, rosemary and bones,
sealed with white wax.
can you see the eyes inside the walls
they follow you with every step.
don’t open the wooden door- they have buried me in white linen.
we are what they hunt, what they chain and murder.
don’t cry over men, it’s always his loss.
death is the cure for an ordinary life,
don’t try and resurrect me, i haven’t felt anything in a while.
winds, carry my body and leave me under the new moon in the forest,
i can see your candles flicker, sisters
as above and so below-
light is darkness,
i was born from the devil’s kiss,
broken things are lovable.

11 queens will reign the new world.

Iolana Paedelt is a German writer and poet. Her short stories and poems have been published in anthologies and magazines, both online and in print.
Twitter/Instagram: @therealpaedelt
Website: www.iolanapaedelt.wixsite.com/iolana-paedelt


Marker 53 / Michael Carter


Grandma’s Samhain Stew / Liliana Carstea