Through The Looking Glass: The Art of Colette Standish


Colette Standish, an English painter, and photographer graduated from St. Martin’s College in London in 1991 as part of the wave of YBA -Young British Artists. Her achievements include Jessop’s Photography Prize 2000 London and fellowship awards in New Mexico, Italy, and Spain. Her work is in many public and private collections, including the Museum of Fine Art in Santa Fe and the Anais Nin Foundation Art Collection. “Anais through the Looking Glass and Other Stories” was first premiered at, The Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco in 2018 along with a panel discussion,’ A Call to Eroticism’, organized by Standish,  of eminent writers, scholars, and artists on the role of Eroticism in art.

Standish is a frequent contributor to ‘A Cafe in Space: Anais a Literary Journal ‘and can be seen in Volumes 8, 9, 13, 14, and 15. Colette’s poem, ‘A Letter’, published in Volume 8, was made into a music video entitled, “I Was in Love… Still Am”, by an Avant-garde collective, EPI in Manchester, UK, and Florence, Italy. Standish frequently lectures on Anais Nin and the influence Nin has on both her work and on the poetics of contemporary Eroticism.   In 2019 Standish was award a  fellowship by San Francisco Art Institute to continue her studies in Art and Eroticisms.

You can find more of her work HERE


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